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Breast Biopsy at Yapita Health

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What is a Breast Biopsy?

A breast biopsy is a procedure that is conducted to collect and examine a small tissue sample from the breast. This is done under local anesthesia, and the breast tissue is removed using a fine needle or a core needle. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for further examination, where it is determined whether the sample is benign or malignant (cancerous).

Why would someone need to have a Breast Biopsy?

A breast biopsy may be recommended for individuals who have developed a breast lump or other suspicious breast changes such as skin thickening, redness, or nipple discharge. A breast biopsy is usually conducted when the initial test results are inconclusive, and more tests are required to make an accurate diagnosis. A breast biopsy can help in identifying the nature of the lump, whether it is cancerous or benign, and to create the best possible treatment plan.

What conditions can a Breast Biopsy have?

Breast biopsy can be conducted to investigate various breast conditions, such as:

  • Breast lumps or masses

  • Suspicious breast changes

  • Abnormalities detected during a mammogram or ultrasound

  • Nipple discharge or inverted nipples

  • Breast infection

Requirements & Evaluation: Breast Biopsy?

Before undergoing breast biopsy, you will have a consultation with our experienced medical team. During this consultation, the doctor will review your medical history, any previous breast imaging, and discuss your concerns regarding the biopsy procedure. Our medical team will perform a physical examination to evaluate the lump or breast change that has been detected through breast imaging and determine whether a biopsy is necessary. They will explain the biopsy procedure, including the potential risks and benefits, and answer any questions you may have.

Different Types of Breast Biopsy

There are several types of breast biopsy, depending on the location and suspected nature of the breast abnormality. The most common types of breast biopsy are:

  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB): This biopsy uses a thin needle to remove a small sample of cells from the breast lump for examination under a microscope.

  • Core needle biopsy: This biopsy uses a larger needle to remove a small tissue section for examination under a microscope.

  • Stereotactic biopsy: This biopsy is conducted when the breast abnormality is detected by a mammogram, and the area cannot be felt by the healthcare provider.

  • Ultrasound-guided biopsy: This biopsy uses an ultrasound to guide the needle to the abnormal tissue in the breast.

Our medical team will determine the most appropriate type of biopsy based on your individual case and provide personalized guidance on the procedure.


Breast biopsy is conducted under local anesthesia and usually takes less than an hour to complete. Our medical team performs the biopsy using the chosen method, and a small tissue sample is removed from the abnormal area in the breast. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for examination. After the biopsy, the incision site is dressed, and our medical team will provide detailed aftercare instructions.

Before the Procedure

Before the biopsy procedure, you will have a consultation with our medical team. You will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, including any necessary dietary restrictions and how to manage any medications you are taking. You will also receive instructions on how to prepare for your postoperative recovery to ensure you recover smoothly.

After the Procedure

After your breast biopsy procedure, our medical team will monitor your condition to ensure your recovery is progressing well. Our medical team will provide detailed aftercare instructions, including guidelines for rest, wound care, and medication use. If any complications or concerns arise, our medical team is available to address them promptly.

What kind of follow-up care will I have during recovery?

After the biopsy procedure, our medical team will conduct a follow-up appointment, usually a week or two after the procedure. During this visit, the biopsy results will be discussed, and further recommendations will be provided based on the outcomes.

Risk & Benefits

Breast biopsy is a generally safe procedure. However, like any medical procedure, it carries certain risks. During your consultation, our medical team will discuss the potential risks and benefits of the biopsy and provide personalized guidance on your situation.

The benefits of breast biopsy include:

  • Accurate diagnosis of the breast condition

  • Distinguishing whether the lump is cancerous or non-cancerous

  • Development of treatment plan

What are the possible risks or complications of Breast Biopsy?

Breast biopsy is typically a low-risk procedure. However, complications are possible, including:

  • Bleeding at the biopsy site

  • Infection

  • Bruising

  • Swelling


Most individuals are able to resume normal activities after a day or two of rest following a breast biopsy. The incision site may feel tender for a few days, and it is recommended to avoid any strenuous activity or exercise. It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by our medical team.

FAQs Related to Breast Biopsy

Who needs breast biopsy?

Breast biopsy is typically recommended for individuals who have developed a breast lump or other suspicious breast changes, such as skin thickening, redness, or nipple discharge. It may also be necessary to investigate abnormalities detected during a mammogram or ultrasound. A breast biopsy helps in determining whether the lump or breast changes are benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The need for a breast biopsy is determined by a medical professional after a thorough evaluation of the individual's specific case.

Is Breast Lift breast biopsy?

No, a breast lift is a separate surgical procedure that is performed to raise and reshape sagging breasts. It is not the same as a breast biopsy. A breast biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure conducted to collect a small tissue sample for examination, while a breast lift is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin and tightening the breast tissue to improve breast shape and firmness.

How long will the treatment take?

The duration of a breast biopsy procedure itself is typically less than an hour. However, the overall treatment timeline can vary depending on individual factors such as the need for additional diagnostic tests, the type of biopsy performed, and the time required for pathology results to be available. It is best to consult with our medical team for a personalized assessment and to get an estimate of the anticipated treatment timeline.

What is the average hospital stay for a patient?

Breast biopsy is typically performed on an outpatient basis, which means that patients do not need to be admitted to the hospital for the procedure. The biopsy is usually done in an outpatient setting, such as our clinic or an imaging center. After the procedure, patients are usually allowed to go home on the same day. If any complications or further medical attention are required, our medical team will provide appropriate guidance.

Are lifelong medicines necessary after breast biopsy?

In most cases, breast biopsy does not require lifelong medication. The biopsy is a diagnostic procedure that collects a tissue sample for examination, and medication is typically not used as part of the treatment. However, depending on the results of the biopsy, further treatment or medication may be recommended by our medical team, such as for individuals with breast cancer. It is important to follow the recommendations and guidance provided by our medical professionals for a personalized treatment plan.

Does a person have high infection rates and lead a very restricted life after breast biopsy?

The risk of infection after a breast biopsy is generally low. Our medical team takes all necessary precautions to minimize the risk of infection during the procedure. After the biopsy, patients are typically provided with aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of infection at the site of the biopsy incision. It is important to follow these instructions carefully. Most individuals can resume normal activities within a day or two and do not lead a highly restricted life after the procedure. However, it is important to avoid strenuous activities, follow the aftercare instructions, and consult with our medical team for any specific concerns or restrictions.

What lifestyle changes are associated with breast biopsy?

A breast biopsy itself does not typically require significant lifestyle changes. However, depending on the results of the biopsy and subsequent treatment recommendations, individuals may be advised to make lifestyle changes to support their overall health, such as maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking if applicable, and attending regular follow-up appointments. Our medical team will provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on the individual's specific case and treatment plan.

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