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Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant in Nigeria

200000 $

125000 $

50000 $




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Affordable and Effective Ways for Bone Marrow Transplant

A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure that involves the replacement of a person's unhealthy or damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells. This procedure is typically used in the treatment of various blood disorders, such as leukemia, lymphoma, or sickle cell anemia, as well as certain genetic disorders that affect the bone marrow. During a bone marrow transplant, the healthy cells can be obtained from the patient themselves, a matched donor, or a donor's umbilical cord blood. The procedure involves high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to eliminate the unhealthy bone marrow, followed by the infusion of the healthy cells. The goal of the bone marrow transplant is to restore the patient's immune system and enable it to produce healthy blood cells that can help fight infection and disease.

Cost Comparison of Bone Marrow Transplant

The cost of bone marrow transplant in Nigeria is dependent on different elements that should be considered. The kind of transplant, the condition of the hospital facilities, the capabilities of the medical team, and the care after the operation must be taken into account. BMT therapy in Nigeria is estimated to cost between $ 50,000 to $ 2,00,000, which is inclusive of its major cities. On the other hand, there are pre-transplant tests and medications that the patient bears besides the post-transplant care which also increases the expenses therefore the cost may be higher. Patients should be advised to do enough research and to consult doctors before they make a final decision about their treatment. That way they will be able to understand the financial implications of their treatment and make the right decision.

What is Bone Marrow Transplantation?

Bone marrow transplant is often referred to as stem cell transplant. It is used to treat cancer and genetic conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, and aplastic anemia. The bone marrow generates purple blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Healthy stem cells are delivered to the afflicted person at some time throughout the bone marrow transplant procedure.

Bone Marrow Transplant Costs in Nigeria and Other Countries

Nigeria provides more cost-effective bone marrow transplant methods than other countries. Here's a comparison of Bone Marrow Transplant expenses in Nigeria to some popular healthcare tourism locations.



Cost of Bone Marrow Transplant (Approx.)


$ 50,000 to $ 2,00,000


$ 10000 to $ 45000 


$ 33000 to $ 100000


$ 50000 to $ 60000  

United States

$ 80,000 to $ 150,000

United Kingdom

$ 50,000 to $ 100,000

These numbers illustrate Nigeria's approximate cost advantage for bone marrow transplants, making it an appealing destination for medical tourists looking for high-quality care at a low cost.

Factors influencing the price/cost of bone marrow transplant


  • Allogeneic or autologous transplantation.

  • Amenities and Facilities at the Medical Center

  • The medical team's skill and experience, including pre-transplant evaluations and testing.

  • Medication and after-care

  • Duration of hospital stay and necessary procedures/treatments

  • The hospital is located

  • The health state of the patient.

  • Allogeneic transplants require the availability of donor cells.

  • Complications or unusual medical problems.

Medical Tests for Bone Marrow Transplant


Along with blood tests, tissue typing, and immunological tests, donor-recipient compatibility is checked before bone marrow transplants. Cardiac, pulmonary, and imaging tests evaluate general health state, but dental and psychological tests look for problems that may be lying ahead.

Such blood tests are sometimes compared with the immunological status after the transplant. Subsequently, the immunomodulating medicines are measured and infectious infections are ruled out. The graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is examined, and imaging scans are used to see how the organs are functioning. Continuously psychosocial assistance is a tool for emotional healing. These pre- and post-transplant diagnostics and therapies are critical elements of a successful bone marrow transplant as they are aimed at protecting the health of the patient at different phases of the procedure.

Recovery Time

It is hard to predict how long the recovery period will be for a patient. The duration of the process is affected by the patient’s health, the complications, and the type of transplant. Normally, patients stay in the hospital for 3-4 weeks to 3 months after the transplant for follow-up and supportive care. The period of recovery from a traumatic brain injury may last for several months to a year or even much longer.

How to get a Bone Marrow Transplant Treatment in Nigeria with Yapita Health

Yapita Health Company is offering Bone Marrow Transplant in Nigeria in collaboration with its partners. Benefit from executive travel assistance, free online consultation, 24/7 logistical support, and low-price treatment packages. Experience superior healthcare and complete services for Bone Marrow Transplant at this place.

There is a form available for you to fill up at the top of this page, and you can start your treatment journey with Yapita Health now.



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we are dedicated to providing affordable and accessible medical care to our patients. Our network of healthcare providers specializes in full range of treatments and procedures, including bone marrow transplants. This life-saving procedure can be a costly investment, which is why we aim to provide cost-effective options for our patients. Our team of expert physicians and specialists are equipped with the latest technology and techniques to provide the highest quality of care throughout the entire transplant process. With Yapita Health, you can trust that you will receive special care at an affordable price.

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FAQs Related to Bone Marrow Transplant

What are the pre-transplant tests required for Bone marrow Transplants in Turkey

Common Pre-transplant tests for Bone Marrow Transplant include blood tests, chest X-rays, pulmonary function tests, PET scans, heart tests, bone marrow biopsies, and CT scans.


Can patients get an insurance plan for Bone marrow Transplants in Turkey?

Yes. Bone marrow transplants are covered under insurance. The policy may differ with different insurers.

How long does a Bone marrow Transplant take?

The conditioning process takes about 1-2 weeks. The transplant is performed 2 days after conditioning. The stem cells are passed slowly through the central line and may take 3-4 hours.

What is the success rate of Bone marrow Transplants in Turkey?

The success rate depends upon the type of treatment and bone marrow. However, the success rates are highest for Bone marrow Transplants in Turkey with a range of 60-80 %. The success rates in cancer treatment are increasing dramatically due to better therapeutic options, technology advancement, surgeons' expertise, etc.


What factors affect the cost of Bone marrow Transplants in Turkey?

Some of the important factors affecting bone marrow transplant in Turkey are the city, location of the hospital, admission fee, surgeon fee, experience of the surgeon, type of condition, type of bone marrow, duration of hospitalization, type of room in the hospital, complications associated, comorbidities, laboratory investigations, and medication.

What is the recovery time after Bone marrow Transplant?

The patient has to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. During this period, one may have weakness, diarrhoea, vomiting, blood, and platelet transfusions. Depending on the patient's condition, the length of hospital stay may increase. Extra care has to be taken after going home as it takes time for the immune system to gain strength. The time of recovery depends on the patient's condition.


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